Featured Class
Multi-Level Flow with Emphasis on the Lower Back and Neck
With Jen Lin
Recorded Live-Stream Classes
Newest content is displayed here.
Multi-Level Flow
Multi Level Flow with Anne 3 Apr
Multi-Level Flow
Multi Level Flow with Jess 2 Apr
Multi-Level Flow
Multi Level Flow with Allie 1 Apr
Beginner Yoga
Beginner Yoga with Alana 1 Apr
Restorative Yoga
Power Yoga
Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga with Carly
Gentle Flow & Restorative Yoga
Yoga for Stress Management
Yoga for Stress Mgmt with Annie 1 Apr
Stability Yoga
Beginner Stability
Beginner Stability Yoga with Alana
Intermediate Yoga
Our full library of recorded live-stream classes can be accessed via the link below.
Mini-Workshops, Tutorials, & Series
Beginner Standing Series with ASL Interpretation
Flight School: A series with Allie Wilhelm
Flight School is a strength-based series focused on learning how to fly into your favorite arm balance and inversion. Each video includes a Vinyasa flow to warm up your body followed by specific drills to build strength and flexibility to safely take flight.
Pose Perspective: An Anatomical Exploration of Key Yoga Poses with Jen Lin
An Introduction to the Series
Anatomy of Chair Pose
Anatomy of Bridge Pose
Anatomy of Plank Pose
NEW! Anatomy of Down Dog
Anatomy of Cobra
Anatomy of Forward Fold
Anatomy of Seated Twist
Anatomy of Warrior Two
Preparing for Chaturanga
The Five Tibetan Rites with Alana Weathersbee
The Five Tibetans are a great way to help you meet your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual goals. They can be practiced 2 to 3 times a day. They are especially beneficial if done in the morning before breakfast to energize you.
The purpose of practicing the five Tibetans is to normalize the speed of the chakras- the seven principal energy centers- so they function at peak activity and in harmony with each other.
The benefits of the Five Tibetans are to increase energy, enhance bone mass, increase muscle tone, oxygenate the body, increase metabolism and promote weight loss. They stimulate the lymphatic or immune system, improve posture and increase spinal health.
1st Rite: Whirling
2nd Rite: Leg Raises
3rd Rite: The Camel
4th Rite: Crab Lifts
5th Rite: Up and Down Dog
Eden Energy Medicine Workshop with Christina Ferber
The Daily Energy Routine (DER)
DER 1: The Four Thumps
DER 2: Crossing Energies
DER 3: Wayne Cook Posture
DER 4: The Crown Pull
DER 5: Heaven and Earth
DER 6: Two Meridians
At-Home Strength Skills Workshop with Melissa Okrasinski: A Three Part Series
Strength Building Basics
Prep for Arm Balances
Head Stand
Tutorial Videos
Psoas Release (40-min)
Becca Childress leads a special class focused the release of the central nervous system. This class is designed to relieve stress and promote better sleep.
Hip Openers (20-min)
Chakra Meditation (15-min)
5-Steps to Fire Log (5-min)
Breathwork Tutorial (15-min)
Express Classes
45-Minute Gentle Flow
30-Min Upper Body Express
30-Min Lower Body Express
30-Min Morning Flow
30-Min All-Levels Express Flow
20-Min Full Body Stretch
15-Minute Desk Yoga Sequence
Full Length Studio Session Classes
Gentle Opening Flow
Dori Weitz leads a simple and gentle flow designed to open the hips and shoulders after too much sitting.
Arm Balance Flow
Foam Rolling
Self-Discovery Flow with Alana
26-Pose Stability Sequence
Power Yoga with Suzanna
Intermediate Slow Flow Class
Multi-Level Flow Class